تنويه حول الاجابات لهذا السؤال كم عدد الاسنان الدائمة وما الفرق بينها وبين الاسنان اللبنية ، هي من مصادر وموسوعات عربية حرة متداولة دائما، نحن نقوم بجلب الاجابات لجميع التساؤلات بحوالي متواصل من هذه المصادر، لذلك تابعونا لتجدو كل جديد من اجابات لاسئلة المداراس والجامعات والاسفهام حول اي سؤال ثقافي او اي كان نوعه لديكم.

How many permanent teeth Where a person has two distinct sets of teeth in his life: the first group for childhood, which is the primary teeth, and the second group for the stage of puberty, which is permanent teeth, and in this article the question will be answered, and the discussion will also be addressed about the components of the tooth structure, and the difference between permanent teeth. And milk, as well as talking about common dental diseases, and some tips that help maintain oral and dental health.

Teeth begin to appear

Teeth begin to appear in the fetus when it is in the mother’s womb, and therefore the mother’s nutrition is very important for the growth of the fetus’s teeth, because the mother’s diet must contain calcium, phosphorous, vitamin C and vitamin D. Avoiding certain types of medicines during pregnancy is very important for the health of the fetus’s teeth, such as tetracycline. It changes the color of the developing teeth in the fetus, and the process of tooth growth and development is divided into four stages and begins when the fetus reaches 6 weeks of age, then the basic material that makes up the teeth is formed. When the fetus reaches the age of 3 to 4 months, hard tissues surrounding the teeth are formed, and after the birth of the child, these teeth erupt from the gums, and finally after a few years the life of these primary teeth ends and the natural tooth consists of four parts and begins with the outer layer of the tooth called enamel, which is the hardest substance in the body The human, while the second layer is the inner layer, which is the main part of the teeth, and the pulp forms soft tissues and contains the nerve, blood vessels, and the place of dentin making, while the root is the part that fixes the tooth in the jaw bone[1]

How many permanent teeth

The number of permanent teeth is 32The appearance of teeth in children begins when the child reaches the age of six months, and these teeth are temporary, or the so-called deciduous teeth, and the age of these teeth ranges between two and three years, then begins to fall out, and these teeth last twenty years, ten in the upper jaw and ten In the lower jaw, it is believed that they have the least number of adult teeth due to the small mouths of children and their need to chew food, and the loss of temporary teeth and the gradual emergence of permanent teeth begins when the child reaches the age of five and usually the number of permanent teeth in adults is 32 years, and it consists of incisors, canines and premolars And molars, divided into the following:[2]

  • 8 breakers: Divided into four in the upper jaw and one in the lower part; They are important for stabilizing and cutting the food, as well as helping him know the consistency and type of food being eaten.
  • 4 fangs: These are the sharp teeth that help tear food, and some call them dogs or squirrel teeth, and they are divided into two parts in the upper jaw and two in the lower jaw.
  • 8 premolars: They are molars located between the canines and molars, but they are similar to molars in shape and are distinguished by the fact that they have only two cavities and are divided into two parts on either side of the mouth. Premolars help in cutting the food that is eaten.
  • 12 molars: Eight are distributed over all parts of the mouth, forming surfaces that crush food before swallowing it, in addition to four molars called wisdom teeth that appear late. That is, it is mainly in the early twenties which is removed most of the time.

Watch also: Treating dental pain at home .. Solutions to relieve tooth pain immediately

Dental combination

Natural teeth differ in their shape from each other, as each natural tooth has a different shape, which helps it to perform its function and is in a different place from the other tooth, and despite its different shapes, it has the same composition, because each tooth consists of the same components or layers, which are As follows:[7]

  • Enamel layer: Enamel is the hardest substance in the body, and this layer is transparent, and it consists of cells called amyloplasts, and it consists mostly of calcium phosphate located in the crown area and in the root area, and it is concentrated in the front fangs of the upper jaw, which gives it a more yellow color for the rest of the teeth, and this layer represents a line The first defense of the tooth, and it has the ability to withstand the pressure of the bite, but it cannot reconstitute itself once its growth is complete, so it must be maintained through proper nutrition and oral care[8]
  • Layer ivory: It is the layer that lies under the layer of enamel and cementum, and it consists of cells called dental blasts, and this layer consists of microscopic tubes, and there are three types of dentin; Primary dentin, secondary dentin, restorative dentin, and the enamel layer meet the dentin layer at the end of the tooth, which is a solid tissue layer that contains microscopic tubes, and when the enamel is damaged, the dentin layer is exposed and it becomes possible that heat or cold reach the tooth through the microscopic tubes, and what is called tooth sensitivity[8]
  • Mortar layer: It is a layer of connective tissue that covers the root of the tooth and fixes it with the gums and jaw bones, and it is a very thin calcified material that covers the root of the tooth, which is a solid layer, and this layer can become visible, and this happens if the gums descend and become inflamed, and this surface can become Hypersensitive to hot and cold temperature changes in the mouth[8]
  • Pulp: It is an internal cavity, which is the softest part of the tooth, as it contains the nerves and blood vessels responsible for its supply of food and sensation, and it is the last layer where the nerves and blood vessels that supply the tooth are located, and this layer is divided into two regions; The pulp chamber located at the crown of the tooth and the pulp canals located at the root of the tooth, and in the event that the pulp area is exposed to decay, this leads to inflammation of the nerve, and it is treated by removing the nerve to preserve it. Age. Secondary dentin greatly reduces nerve space[8]
  • Dental ligaments: It is a hard tissue that attaches and protects teeth firmly to the jawbone[8]

Watch also: Treating dental pain at home .. Solutions to relieve tooth pain immediately

Dental diseases

Many problems can be encountered and affect the teeth, the most important of which are the following:[9]

  • Gingivitis: It is an inflammation of the gum tissue, and then the gums appear swollen and red, which may result in the destruction of the gum tissues and the jawbones and the separation of the gums from the teeth, where pockets are formed that are filled with bacteria and become vulnerable to decay and sensitive to cold and touch. Gum disease and chewing are among the most prominent problems that afflict the mouth, so paying attention to oral hygiene is very necessary to help prevent gum disease.[10]
  • Tooth loss: Tooth loss has a negative effect on speech, chewing, and existing bones when erosion occurs in the area of ​​the lost tooth, so the lost tooth must be compensated in several ways. Such as modern bridges, dentures, or implants.
  • Tooth sensitivity: Symptoms of tooth sensitivity are a feeling of discomfort and discomfort with air, cold drinks and some foods, so you suffer from sensitivity resulting from exposure to teeth, which is the tissue under the hard outer layer of the tooth and the tissues that cover the root of the tooth, and some factors can lead to exposure such as gum disease Or cracked teeth, worn out fillings, or brushing with a hard toothbrush[10]
  • Dry mouth: Saliva in the mouth is very important and acts as a disinfectant for the teeth, and in the absence of it it can cause major problems for the teeth such as cavities.
  • Teeth grinding: That is, the teeth crack or break suddenly without warning or during sleep, which over time may lead to tooth sensitivity or pain in it and in the face. [عشرة]
  • Gingivitis: It is the tissue in the middle of the tooth that is rich in blood vessels and nerves, and this occurs when the decay extends deep into the tooth, causing inflammation in the internal tissues, which causes pressure inside the tooth and then in the surrounding tissues, in addition to tooth decay, it also causes tooth exposure. On traumatic pulpitis, which leads to tooth hypersensitivity to cold and hot temperatures[10]
  • Cracked teeth: Teeth cracking or fracture results from exposing the mouth to trauma, such as: receiving a sudden blow on the face during exercise, or by forcefully biting a solid object such as ice and hard outer crusts of something, which leads to a feeling of sharp pain when biting or chewing, in addition to anaphylaxis. Hot or cold temperatures or some sweet and sour foods and cracked teeth have different types, including the following:[10]
    • Dental cracks are the small cracks that extend into the outer enamel.
    • Broken border, which is a fracture of a small portion of the tooth surface around the filling.
    • Cracked teeth, this condition occurs when the fissure extends from the tooth surface perpendicular to the tooth root and may or may not extend below the gum line.
    • A tooth split is the slit that divides a tooth into two.
    • Vertical root fracture A root fracture is often invisible and asymptomatic until infection develops and the vertical root of the tooth breaks when cracks form on the tooth root.
  • Periodontitis: It is an infection that affects the deep structure of the teeth, and is often caused by poor cleaning of the teeth[12]
  • Dental plaque: A colorless, sticky layer made up of bacteria and the substances that secrete them, and the plaque layer forms on the teeth quickly after eating foods that contain sugar, but it can be washed easily when brushing the teeth[12]
  • Dental plaque: If the dental plaque is not removed, it mixes with the minerals to become a more solid substance, which is dental lime[12]

Watch also: Treatment of gingivitis and swelling … Causes of swollen gums, their symptoms and method of diagnosis

The difference between permanent and primary teeth

Milk and permanent teeth Milk teeth differ from permanent teeth in several ways, such as:[12]

  • Enamel layer: The enamel layer is thinner in primary teeth than in permanent teeth.
  • the color: Deciduous teeth appear whiter than permanent teeth; This may be due to the fact that the enamel layer is thinner in it.
  • the size: Children’s teeth are smaller than the teeth of adults.
  • the roots: The roots of the deciduous teeth are shorter and thinner, because they are designed so that they do not fall out and are replaced.

Tips for maintaining healthy teeth

It is important for a person to maintain the health and safety of his teeth, as it is an essential part of the process of digesting food and reaching the stomach through the digestive system for the body to benefit from later, and for this reason doctors recommend brushing the teeth. Teeth at least twice a day, especially before bed, to prevent the emergence of bacteria and their multiplication and tooth decay, in addition to using toothpicks, liquid mouthwash and dental floss, and avoiding excessive consumption of sweets and foods rich in sugars, and ways to maintain the integrity of the teeth:[13]

  • Brush your teeth before bed: Improperly cleaning or not cleaning the teeth leads to problems, so you should brush your teeth at least twice a day and use an electric brush, as it is more effective than a manual toothbrush to get rid of germs and plaque that accumulate overnight. Especially before bed, and you must brush your teeth for two or three minutes[14]
  • Tongue cleaning: Plaque can also build up on the tongue and cause bad breath, in addition to the appearance of health problems in the mouth, so the tongue must be cleaned every time the teeth are touched.
  • Use fluoride toothpaste: Fluoride is the main substance that attacks tooth decay, fights germs, and acts as a protective barrier that protects teeth from decay.
  • Flossing: Most people ignore the use of flossing, which is very unfortunate because it is responsible for removing food and reducing bacteria on the outside of the teeth and in places that cannot be cleaned with a brush, and these are the places where cavities are more common When the use of floss is less important, it must be used once At least daily[12]
  • Use a mouthwash: Mouthwash is one of the means to prevent bad breath, and it can be obtained from stores or pharmacies, as it cleans the mouth, reduces plaque and fights dental deposits, and makes sure that it does not replace a brush or wire[12]
  • Visit the dentist periodically: You should consult a doctor periodically in the event of a problem, avoiding oral and dental problems, in addition to periodically cleaning tartar.
  • Dental filling before cavities spread: It is the process of emptying the affected part of the tooth and filling the excavated space with a metal filler or any other type of medical fillings for the teeth, thus preserving the integrity of the tooth or that the decay reaches the nerve of the tooth[12]
  • Quit Smoking: Smoking is closely related to gum disease, as it weakens the immune system, makes it difficult for the body to resist infections and diseases, and makes it difficult for the gums to recover after exposure to infection[12]
  • other ways: The following methods may also be used to preserve teeth:
    • Eat a balanced diet, eat healthy and balanced meals instead of fast and light meals, and avoid meals that contain carbohydrates that get stuck between your teeth; Such as sweets and pastries, or brushing the teeth and fluoride directly if consumed[13]
    • Consult a dentist before using a fluoride supplement or before using a protective plastic layer to cover the teeth to protect them from cavities[13]
    • Drink at least half a liter of fluoridated water daily, especially to protect children’s teeth from the risk of tooth decay[13]
    • To protect the teeth from injury, it is recommended to wear dental protection equipment or a protective helmet when playing sports that require this[13]
    • Avoid using your teeth for any purpose other than chewing food. If an individual uses their teeth to break nuts, remove caps from cans, or open a package, they are more likely to break their teeth.[13]
    • Avoid acidic drinks such as soft drinks and fruit juices, as dietary acids dissolve minerals in tooth enamel, causing tooth decay.[13]

Watch also: Teeth growth stages in children

In conclusion, this article has answered the question. How many permanent teeth The discussion was also touched on the components of the dental composition, the difference between permanent and primary teeth, as well as the discussion about common dental diseases, and some advice that helps in maintaining oral and dental health.


  1. ^

    healthline.com, What Are the Different Types of Teeth Called? , 3/13/2020

  2. ^

    everydayhealth.com, The 4 Types of Teeth and How They Function, 3/13/2020

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    kidshealth.org, Mouth and Teeth, 3/13/2020

  4. ^

    healthline.com, What Are the Different Types of Teeth Called? , 3/13/2020

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    healthline.com, Why Do We Have Wisdom Teeth? , 3/13/2020

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    healthline.com, Hyperdontia: Do I Need to Have My Extra Teeth Removed? , 3/13/2020

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    dentalcare.com, Divisions and Components of the Teeth, 3/13/2020

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    webmd.com, Picture of the Teeth, 3/13/2020

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    mouthhealthy.org, Concerns, 3/13/2020

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    verywellhealth.com, Causes of Tooth Pain and Treatment Options, 3/13/2020

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    mayoclinic.org, Cavities / tooth decay, 3/13/2020

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    webmd.com, Picture of the Teeth, 3/13/2020

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    11 Ways to Keep Your Teeth Healthy, healthline.com, 3/13/2020

اجابة السؤال المتناقل حاليا كم عدد الاسنان الدائمة وما الفرق بينها وبين الاسنان اللبنية، يقوم مرتادي مواقع التراسل حاليا ببث استفهامات حول السؤال المطروح حاليا ونحن في شبكة اخر حاجة ننشر لكم الاجابات عن هذا الاستفسار من خلال مصادر اخبارية وثقافية رائدة.