نرحب بكم مجددا متابعي الشبكة الاولي عربيا في الاجابة علي كيف اتواصل مع الهائل في السن .. طرق التعامل مع كبار السن والمسنين – اخر حاجة وكافة الاسئلة المطروحة من كَافَّة انحاء البلاد العربي اخر حاجة ترجع اليكم من جديد لتحل كَافَّة الالغاز والاستفهامات حول اسفسارات كثيرة في هذه الاثناء، ونود إعلامكم أننا متواصلين دوما في الوصول الي اخر إجابات الاسئلة لديكم بحوالي يومي.

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-03-12T15: 08: 15 + 00: 00 surveyed

How do I communicate with the elderly? A question that we explain to you in this article on EgyNow News, the ways of dealing with others differ according to the age group, how does dealing with children differ from dealing with adults, how does dealing with children require showing love and concern and talking with them in the language that suits them Elderly people need different methods of dealing with adults. Many elderly people are exposed to common health problems, such as heart disease and diabetes, as well as depression from old age that leads to loss of passion in life, in addition to other aspects of aging such as slow movement, so some have a problem in their understanding, whether by their parents or grandparents. And in the following lines, you can determine the best way to treat the elderly.

An older person is someone who has passed the age of sixty in the stage known as “the stage of aging”, and in order to establish a close relationship with him, the following methods are required:

  • Treat them calmly and compassionately by avoiding feelings and stirring up boredom, as this can arouse their enthusiasm and cause conflict.
  • Discuss with them the issues that interest them, as well as the latest news, locally or internationally.
  • Constant attention to helping them perform their daily routine at home, such as dressing up, so that they do not make more efforts that may cause them fatigue.
  • Constantly provide them with psychological support and motivation to pursue their favorite hobbies.
  • Bring joy to their hearts by giving them gifts.
  • Participate in your favorite hobbies such as backgammon.
  • Avoid directing them to instructions through the command method, but by asking calmly, this method helps convince them of the instructions to follow.
  • If the elderly are relatives, they must be taken care of constantly by asking and visiting them and encouraging other relatives to visit them.
  • Find out what they need with the direct question method.

  • Ask questions about your seniors’ needs in a timely manner, especially during their break times.
  • Leave enough space for the elderly to express their needs.
  • Focus on the needs with which the elderly can be helped.
  • In the event that the elderly refuse to help others, they may seek help from another family member to persuade the elderly to provide the needed help.
  • In the event that the elderly refuse to help again, it can be offered at another time, as long as it suits him and avoids emotion.
  • Maintaining their health by preparing foods appropriate for their health, alerting them to medication appointments, and keeping them away from all means that arouse them.

Elderly people with Alzheimer’s disease need special treatment that takes into account their health condition, which leads to rapid forgetfulness of events and people, and the methods of treating Alzheimer’s patients are as follows:

  • Elderly people with Alzheimer’s disease should also be treated with patience, calm and compassion, so they should avoid emotion, taking into account their health condition.
  • All hazardous media should be stored in a safe place away from the elderly, such as a cigarette lighter knife.
  • Before bathing an elderly person or washing hands, check the water temperature first.
  • All obstructions in the home such as wires and carpets must be removed.
  • Ask seniors to rest during the day after completing daily tasks.
  • Avoid distractions from the elderly’s mind, such as avoiding talking to him while he is doing something else, such as taking medicine.
  • Help the affected person identify exactly what he or she needs, such as offering them various options.

  • Before serving food, you should avoid all distractions such as television and mobile phone.
  • You must make sure that the place is quiet before eating so that it does not affect their concentration.
  • Help him eat with advice to chew and swallow well.
  • Give him enough time to chew and swallow the food, and avoid urging him to chew the food quickly.
  • Serve the food on a plate in a different color than the food, so that you can easily distinguish between the food and the plate.
  • It is preferable to offer one type of food, as long as it is easy to swallow, such as cheese and eggs.

Wearing clothes is one of the daily tasks that require the help of others, and elderly people are helped to put on clothes through the following:

  • Prepare clothes that are easy to wear, preferably without buttons or shoe straps.
  • Arrange clothes so that it is not difficult for the elderly to choose the right clothes for them.
  • It is best to prepare loose fitting clothes for the elderly.

  • Before you start taking a shower, make sure that there are no life-threatening devices, such as matches or razors.
  • In the event that the Sheikh is anxious, he should work to reduce this feeling by diverting his attention to something else.
  • Before starting a shower, you need to make sure that it is completely private.
  • Encourage older people to calm down and relax in the shower.

In general, older adults are not interested in brushing their teeth, but you can help them take care of brushing their teeth by:

  • Brush your teeth after eating.
  • Brush their teeth in front of them to motivate them to do so.
  • Remind them of how to brush their teeth by explaining how to apply paste to the brush and then scrub the teeth with it from the top, bottom, and sides.

Additionally, tasks that can help people with Alzheimer’s disease include:

  • Helping them rest and sleep well by creating the right environment for them.
  • Helping them perform household cleaning tasks such as cleaning surfaces.
  • Help them move like walking if they can, as physical activity has a positive effect on mental health.

There are many ways that help improve the mood of older people, and they are as follows:

  • Go out with them to their favorite places, such as restaurants and parties.
  • Traveling with them on trips, whether internal or external.
  • Help them learn and carry out their favorite artistic activities such as drawing, learning to play instrument or photography, which helps them to occupy their free time and have a good time.
  • Encourage them to unleash their creative ideas through everyday activities such as making accessories.
  • Own a pet like cats and dogs and help him take care of him, as these are some ways to help him spend quality time at home.
  • Encourage them to participate in sports activities that are appropriate for themselves and for their health, such as yoga.
  • Encourage them to water your garden plants and sit outside in the garden for more comfort and relaxation.
  • If they prefer to stay home, they can participate by watching their favorite movies and series, in addition to pursuing other home hobbies such as reading books.
  • Encourage them to participate in the training sessions to find out what their preferences are.

One of the most important methods that must be adhered to when dealing with the elderly is to show respect for them, and this is reflected in the following:

  • Say hello to them when you start getting to know them.
  • You smile while talking to them.
  • Avoid sitting before they are seated first.
  • If you walk with them, then you should avoid walking in front of them.
  • Show an interest in listening to their conversation and avoid being interrupted.
  • Stay away from arguing with them.
  • Always ask about his health condition.
  • Speak to them calmly, except for those who are hard of hearing.
  • Avoid mocking them.
  • Avoid showing boredom if they talk frequently about a topic.

At the conclusion of this article we explained the answer to the question “How do I communicate with the elderly?” Where we explain the methods to follow when it comes to the elderly, and we also review how to deal with the elderly. Alzheimer’s disease, in addition to ways to please the elderly and follow etiquette for dealing with them.

You can find more information on how to care for the elderly in the following article from the full Aiji Now News Arabia:

  • Seeking care and good treatment for the elderly


تنويه بخصوص الاجابة علي السؤال المطروح لدينا، هو من خلال مصادر ثقافية منوعة وشاملة نجلبه لكم زوارنا الاعزاء لكي يستفيد الجميع من الاجابات، لذلك تابع البوابة الإخبارية والثقافية العربية والتي تغطي أنباء العالم وكافة الاستفهامات والاسئلة المطروحة في المستقبل القريب.